Hey there, sports fans. Here's a list of the highest paying jobs in the sports world.
1. Sports Medicine Physician
Sports Medicine Physician
A sports medicine physician is a doctor who specializes in taking care of people who have sports injuries.
2. Fitness and Wellness Coordinator
Fitness and Wellness Coordinator
A fitness and wellness coordinator is someone who works for a gym or health facility and coordinates or plans all of their fitness and wellness activities - such as exercise classes, health seminars, and special events.
3. Golf Pro
Golf Pro
A golf pro is someone who earns money by either teaching or playing golf.
4. Athlete
What do you think of when you hear the names Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, and Tom Brady?
5. Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education Teacher
Physical education teachers, commonly known as Phys Ed or P.E.
6. Exercise Physiologist
Exercise Physiologist
An exercise physiologist studies the human body's physiology during exercise and physical exertion.
7. Athletic Trainer
Athletic Trainer
Athletic trainers are sometimes mistaken for athletic coaches because of the word trainer.
8. Sports Broadcaster
Sports Broadcaster
A sports broadcaster is someone who provides coverage of sporting events using a variety of different media outlets, such as radio, television, and the internet.
9. Fitness Trainer
Fitness Trainer
A fitness trainer is someone who leads, instructs, and motivates individuals or groups in exercise activities, including cardiovascular exercise (exercises for the heart and blood system), strength training, and stretching.