What is an Elementary School Teacher?

An elementary school teacher is a person trained to educate children from kindergarten through fifth grade. Some elementary schools also include grade six, while some private and rural public schools include seventh and eighth grades.

Elementary school teachers are responsible for the educational and emotional growth of children in a classroom setting, as well as managing the materials and resources used for educating them.

What does an Elementary School Teacher do?

An elementary school teacher performs a variety of tasks during their workday. These tasks vary depending on the grade of the students they work with. The average elementary school holds classes for students in kindergarten through fifth grade.

An elementary school teacher performs a variety of tasks during their workday. These tasks vary depending on the grade of the students they work with.

A pre-kindergarten teacher or kindergarten teacher -
will spend the day teaching children in a way that keeps them actively learning and helps them to develop a love for learning as well. This type of teacher will require the ability to create an engaging environment, nurturing the children's natural curiosity and encouraging them to learn on their own as well. The base skills taught by pre-kindergarten and kindergarten teachers are letter recognition, phonic learning, early mathematics, very basic reading skills, proper social skills and confidence.

First grade teachers -
will use many hands-on learning approaches as well as discussion groups in their classroom. The core subjects of math, science, and english will form most of the day, with art, physical education, and music being taught throughout the work week as well. These teachers are a vital building block in early development, as they continue to build confidence in each student and create a positive view of the world and themselves. Patience, communication skills, problem solving, and the ability to motivate these young children to learn are all very important skills needed.

Second grade teachers -
spend less time helping children become adjusted to standard school routines than pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or first grade teachers. A second grade teacher will expect more from students and often children will notice that they have more responsibilities during the school day. A second grade teacher is responsible for further learning in the aforementioned core subjects, as well as continuing to shape each student's behaviour and emotional well-being. Students at this stage are far more likely to notice inconsistencies in expectations and rules; therefore teachers need to be firm and focused, as well as fair and encouraging.

Third grade teachers -
are responsible for more core learning subjects as students at this stage are ready for a more diverse field of learning. In addition to math, reading, and english, students now move into the studies of social studies, science, and a higher level of physical education, art, and music. Teachers will begin to deal with social differences as well as racial differences in students, as the students are at this stage beginning to solidly react to the diversity around them.

Fourth grade teachers -
are responsible for all the core learning subjects, though at this point the job becomes more complicated as students have matured and need a strong, intuitive teacher that possesses excellent communication skills and is capable of guiding students effectively. A fourth grade teacher will need a wealth of patience, energy, and creativity to hold the attention of their class. While more meaningful material is taught, these teachers must find a balance between classic teaching and the fun teaching of earlier grades.

Fifth grade teachers -
will need the same wealth of patience and communication skills as a fourth grade teacher. At this stage of learning, it is easier to recognize which students will need more attention than others. Getting to know each student is necessary to offer a solid learning experience to each one. Teachers at this level need to be firm, but kind.

Are you suited to be an elementary school teacher?

Elementary school teachers have distinct personalities. They tend to be social individuals, which means they’re kind, generous, cooperative, patient, caring, helpful, empathetic, tactful, and friendly. They excel at socializing, helping others, and teaching. Some of them are also artistic, meaning they’re creative, intuitive, sensitive, articulate, and expressive.

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What is the workplace of an Elementary School Teacher like?

An elementary school teacher works in public or private schools across the world, teaching students who range in age from five years old to 12 years old. These teachers teach in classrooms within the school setting, providing children with the necessary building blocks for further learning.

Elementary School Teachers are also known as:
Elementary Teacher Elementary Classroom Teacher Elementary Education Teacher Elementary School Educator