The average salary for a school counselor in Indiana is around $49,001 per year.
Avg Salary
School counselors earn an average yearly salary of $49,001.
Wages typically start from $30,878 and go up to $77,763.
18% below national average Updated in 2018
School counselor earnings by seniority
Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.
School counselor salary by state
State Name | Average Salary |
California | $69,510 |
New Jersey | $69,090 |
Massachusetts | $67,110 |
Connecticut | $66,970 |
Delaware | $65,860 |
District of Columbia | $64,520 |
Washington | $63,500 |
Alaska | $62,950 |
Maryland | $62,230 |
New York | $61,800 |
Pennsylvania | $60,787 |
Virginia | $60,680 |
Texas | $60,610 |
Rhode Island | $59,740 |
Nebraska | $59,350 |
Hawaii | $59,110 |
Guam | $59,090 |
Kentucky | $58,770 |
Oregon | $57,100 |
Nevada | $56,880 |
Wyoming | $56,540 |
North Dakota | $56,230 |
Louisiana | $56,070 |
Minnesota | $55,330 |
Illinois | $55,299 |
Georgia | $54,910 |
New Mexico | $54,690 |
Arkansas | $54,600 |
Ohio | $53,460 |
Michigan | $53,120 |
Alabama | $52,508 |
Mississippi | $51,860 |
Wisconsin | $51,380 |
South Carolina | $51,230 |
Maine | $51,080 |
Virgin Islands, U.S. | $50,600 |
Iowa | $50,581 |
Kansas | $50,100 |
Tennessee | $49,690 |
Colorado | $49,660 |
New Hampshire | $49,560 |
North Carolina | $49,530 |
Florida | $49,280 |
Indiana | $49,001 |
Vermont | $48,660 |
Arizona | $48,300 |
Utah | $46,830 |
Montana | $46,640 |
Missouri | $45,990 |
West Virginia | $45,250 |
Idaho | $43,651 |
Oklahoma | $42,340 |
South Dakota | $41,710 |
Puerto Rico | $33,250 |
How much does a School Counselor earn?
School counselors who work in high schools typically earn more, as do counselors with a master’s degree or higher. School counselors with a master’s degree will have the greatest job opportunities and security, and can increase an annual salary by $10,000. Hiring will vary by geographic location, depending on state and local government budgets.
Here is a range of school counselor salaries reported by varying sources:
Bureau of Labor Statistics - $53,610 - $45,094 to $51,315 - $50,000
About 124,200 counselors work in elementary and secondary schools, their biggest employers. Second for jobs are colleges, universities, and professional schools, where 45,770 work. The highest mean wages are with the federal government, which provides about 850 positions. Second for income are business, professional, labor and political organizations, for 270 jobs.
How do school counselor salaries compare to similar careers?
School counselors earn 10% less than similar careers in Indiana. On average, they make less than counseling psychologists but more than marriage therapists.
Career | Median Salary |
Counseling psychologist salary | $64K |
Professor salary | $63K |
Physical education teacher salary | $62K |
Distance learning coordinator salary | $53K |
Health educator salary | $50K |
School counselor salary | $49K |
Kindergarten teacher salary | $48K |
High school teacher salary | $48K |
Special education teacher salary | $46K |
Marriage therapist salary | $47K |
Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)