There are many program possibilities to consider when thinking about getting a sports management degree and many careers to choose from. For example, individuals can think about becoming an athletic trainer, a sports agent, a physical therapist, a coach, a public relations liaison, a sports statistical analyst, a sports facilities manager, a scout, or perhaps delve into sports law. This is just the tip of the iceberg, as Sports Management touches most professional areas in some way.
Presently, there are more than 640 US colleges that offer Sports Management as an undergrad and graduate degree with an estimated 30,000+ students.
The following are the sports management degree levels that are available:
Associate’s Degree Programs
Associate’s degree programs are broad-based and cover the fundamentals of physical education, coaching, management, and business ethics and law.
Bachelor’s Degree Programs
Choices for a bachelor’s degree in this field may include Sports Management, Marketing, Business Administration and Accounting.
Master’s Degree Programs
Master of Science in Sports Medicine
Master of Science in Sports Management
Master of Business Administration (with a concentration in Finance, Marketing or Sports Management)